Application Form Requirements
Phone Number
Company Name
Street Address
City, State, Country
Biography (500 words max): bio may be formatted, and links may be added.
Website URL
Videos: at least two video links are required; up to three may be submitted. Links should be to videos on YouTube, Vimeo, etc. Please make sure the video links are not password-protected. If you don’t have videos, links to audio files will suffice. SoundCloud, YouTube, or other media-sharing sites are strongly preferred over downloading files. Videos should demonstrate the quality of your work and, if possible, be somehow related to your proposal.
Specify New or Existing Work: specify whether your project involves a new work, existing work, or both.
Proposed Work(s): work(s) you will perform or are part of this proposal. Each work should be on a separate line.
Venue(s): if your proposal includes venue(s), such as performances, please list here.
Location(s): please list if your proposal includes location(s), such as performances.
Date/Time Frame: the date when the event will take place. and/or the time frame for the proposed project.
Total Estimated Project Cost: the total budget of this specific project.
Funding Request: the amount you are requesting in U.S. dollars. Awards range from $500 to $5,000.
Scope of Idea (250 words max): the combined objectives and requirements, i.e., items and tasks, needed to complete the project.
Proof of Concept (250 words max): outline previous, similar projects you have completed or through your experience as an organization, you show how this project will be implemented, planned, developed to fruition.
For your project, explain the idea and details (250 words max)
Any or all co-commission partners, co-producers, co-sponsors: secured or proposed (preference for secured).
Additional Comments (250 Words Max): use this space for additional comments that don't fit the above fields as needed.